
Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX

More transparency for a sustainable future.

Brands and consumers now demand a higher level of certification when purchasing textile related products.

Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX enables consumers and companies to make responsible decisions which protect our planet for future generations.

Our investment in Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX guarantees safety and confidence in our business and products.

Standard 100 by OEKO-TEX confirms each product has been tested for harmful substances and is harmless in human ecological terms, all inspections, tests and certificates are conducted and issued exclusively by neutral independent OEKO-TEX test institutes.

Better Cotton Initiative





Any polythene waste generated as part of our business processes is segregated and returned to our supplier Duo UK (Manchester). Waste polythene is recycled into new packaging products, this process helps keep this valuable material in the loop and out of the environment reducing our dependency on virgin finite materials. What’s more, every 1 tonne of virgin material use avoided is the equivalent embodied carbon saving of 2.621tCO2e.

Link to closed loop recycling process:

If you are polythene waste at home, you can check where your local recycling centre is here:



Waste is created within every commercial business and we try and deal with all waste in a responsible manner. BBS Waste Management Services operate from a fully licensed Material Recovery Facility and recycle 93% of waste passing through their transfer station.

A ‘Nil to Landfill’ Waste to Energy Service is provided with a business target to achieve 100% diversion from Landfill. Monthly Waste Management Reports offer a detailed breakdown of all our waste which allow us to monitor and support their business environmental compliance requirements.